Our sevices base on providing the following skills:
1. Business creation and development
2. Markerting and market linkage
4. Advice on seeking finance and financial management skills
We also assist the process of registration of NGOs, Business names and comapanies
We also conduct staff trainning in managerial and administration areas and we help people identify job opportunities inside and outside the country.
1. Interesting, topical content. Relevant to your business, relevant to what is happenning locally, nationally and globally.
2. Up to date, practical knowledge and skills. We are used to continous learning and have a finger on the purse of trends. We improve your business skills, take you away from worries of business insolvency and update your confidence in business management. we believe in creativity and innovation in order to make the business grow up in a sustainable way.
3. Good speaking and communication skills: By using simple language to explain ideas you will understand and remember the trainning courses. We use humour so you will have fun while gaining practicle trainning and be able to use your knowledge in your business.
4. You choose what you need when you need it. Business and people go through stages. You choose what trainning your business needs and what you need in it. Trainning how to start up a new business and do a marketing plan is different to a presentation to lauch a product of a long established business. The need for personal branding, for proffessional people and firms, or for people on a carrier path that want to.
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